My Conversion Story: Our Lady of Guadalupe


My 40 year journey of searching out religions and churches. Audio CD



After 40 years of searching out religions and churches I was exhausted. I knew God at the age of 5 and yet here I was at the age of 40 and I was questioning everything I had come to know. I walked as an Evangelical, Pentecostal, Baptist, Un-Denominational and even looked into Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons. I then took a trip to Washington DC to visit for the first time the March for Life. It was on that visit that I discovered the Blessed Mother and the dignity of her womb. Through a series of miracles, I entered into the Church 12 years ago. It is amazing what happens when we are open to God’s perfect plan for our lives. I promise you becoming Catholic would have NEVER been part of MY plan. My openness to the Holy Spirit brought clarity and a new life of DEEP FAITH!


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