Protectors of Women’s EQUAL Rights
The POWER Movement, protectors of women’s equal rights, seeks to end the exploitation of women and the violation of the fundamental rights of women and their children through issues like abortion, divorce, domestic violence, human trafficking, rape, and sexual/child abuse. The time has come for accountability and answers to the Epstein Island of Horrors. A call to all who cherish justice and believe in the protection of the individual rights of every human being, to stand up and join the battle to end the worst human rights violation of our times.
WOMEN across America feel they have NO VOICE and are being disenfranchised and undervalued. Yvonne Florczak-Seeman, the President of Love From Above Inc., a Hispanic Owned Business out of Illinois, that seeks to Empower Women to Be ALL They Can Be…… understands their outrage. She’s been there. Her personal story is just part of the impetus behind the Time to Speak/Power Movement. The MOVEMENT will serve as a Spring Board for a MUCH-NEEDED movement of women who have had ENOUGH and are demanding answers! It will bring together legal, educational, medical and spiritual professionals to advocate on behalf of those who have been under represented and under served for too long.
Florczak-Seeman was a young, poor Latina who found herself subject to a system that held no compassion and no comprehension of the tools necessary to survive, let alone thrive, in a society that views the powerless as invisible and therefore voiceless. Despite the odds against her, Florczak-Seeman made it through and is determined to be part of the solution to empowering women and helping supply them with the resources to lift themselves out of poverty and despair – to break the vicious cycle of abuse, conquer futility and become empowered. Today, she is the Founder of the Time to Speak / Power Movement seeking to empower women and end their exploitation by MOBILIZING them to TAKE BACK THEIR POWER and join the Protectors of Women’s EQUAL Rights, a new revolution of how WOMEN WILL be treated from this point forward! Women are DONE with the RIDICULOUS and their REAL ISSUES” will be addressed once and for all.
The “Real ISSUES” of women are the following:
- Accountability for MEN who are using ‘abortion’ as a get out of jail free card!
- THE RESENT EPSTEIN COVER-UP which increased human-trafficking at open borders, the Island of HORRORS! These women and children will be vindicated!
- Domestic, physical and sexual violence against women and children, stricter laws for deadbeats absent/fathers and lack of healthy male role models
- Reform for the BILLON DOLLAR DIVORCE industry that has been designed to crush women and children by the “good ole boys” club.
- Mandates put on the abortion industry TO REQUIRE their Dr’s to offer “A Woman’s Right to Know” which doesn’t take her right to choose away, however, forces the Planned parenthoods of the world to give women the information to make an informed decision! In this country VETERNATIANS GIVE THEIR PATIENTS MORE INFORMATION then the Abortion Industry that works endless hours to fight any Legislation designed to allow 12-year old little girls to be taken into clinics without parental notification, the Great Land of Lincoln.
- Lack of safety in our communities Gun Violence and Mental Illness. I am a LIFETIME card holding NRA member and I own 6 fire arms and none of them are killing people, People with MENTAL ILLNESS KILL PEOPLE. It is TIME for the BOARDERS to be SECURED TO STOP the OPIOD, METH CRISIS that is KILLING OUR KIDS in their schools, synagogues, and neighborhoods!
- Reported rapes at colleges and universities – Our daughters are bullied into believing that THEY were the problem.
- Intolerant treatment of mothers in the work place – Our single mothers in this nation are treated with hostility and distain.
- Lack of pay-equality for women in the work force – there are women among us who have made the choice to not mother, and so their careers are their babies. Why shouldn’t they be equally compensated as a head of a household?
- The failure of Common Core in our schools – With the amount of money that is poured into our public schools, WHY are students graduating, unable to read and write?
- The radical agenda to replace female gender – Rumor has it that you can walk down the street and pick up sperm around the corner, however a womb can’t be bought!
If you’ve been victimized by any of these issues, and you are ready to TAKE BACK YOUR POWER, we invite you to join our army of women who are committed to empowering other women, no matter what economical or educational background they have. WOMEN DESERVE BETTER!
The most powerful of ALL voices are those women who have actually suffered through abortion and its aftermath. The consequences of abortion affects women emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually. Before now they have been silent on this issue. POWER, working in conjunction with the Time to Speak movement, is providing these women the opportunity to speak out through our Time to Speak platform and maybe for the first time in their lives be heard, hence the MeToo Movement. It will also allow these women to turn an evil into good.
POWER has joined efforts with the National Life Project and will allow women to express themselves to the Supreme Court, to tell that court that it’s Roe vs. Wade decision is wrong – abortion is NOT in the “BEST” interest of women. The women who have been hurt by abortion can finally have a platform to be heard by signing a special form called, Friends of the Court, and may also sign a Declaration/ Affidavit to become part of the National Life Project itself.
We believe that “women” should have the right to know. She deserves and should demand the right to be given ALL the information necessary to make a truly informed choice when it comes to the final decision of abortion.
We believe abortion is an adult decision that will have lifelong consequences. The seeker of an abortion should have the maturity to understand ALL of the risks and consequences of their choice. Parental Notification is a must for the protection of all Little Girls.
We believe abortion should NOT shield the crime of rape against girls between 9 – 17 years old. Any girl under 17 years old could be the victim of rape as she is NOT of legal age to consent to sex.
We believe that “women” have lost their unique position as life-givers through legalized abortion.
We believe that human life begins in the womb on the day of conception. We believe that human life is to be nurtured and respected both inside and outside the womb.
We believe that Rape, Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse, Crisis Pregnancies, Child Abuse, Prostitution and Human Trafficking are all symptoms of legalized abortion. We believe that the decision of abortion has brought many un-answered questions on Women’s Health Issues.
We believe abortion is NOT good health care and that Abortion and Breast Cancer are linked through various scenarios.
Abortion for many women begins a lifelong journey of many unanswered questions.
Questions like:
- Am I the only one who knows the truth about what abortion really is? Why do I feel so horrible and feel such regret?
- Am I alone, or do others question the decision of “Choice”?
- Why are they saying that this “Choice” protects women when I feel exposed?
- Why aren’t women accurately informed about what “Choice” really means?
- Why do they say it’s between a doctor and his patient if I never talked to a doctor at Planned Parenthood?
- How can they be selling body parts if it’s only a BLOB of tissue?
- Why am I struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts, drug abuse, grief, shame, remorse, crying episodes, dysfunctional relationships with both men and women, fear, divorce, anxiety, anger, low self-esteem, feelings of rejection, loneliness, sadness, bitterness, animosity towards men and children.
- Why didn’t they tell me that “CHOICE” exposes me to a 150% higher chance for Breast Cancer?
We are tired of the opinions, debates, and theories! It’s time to expose the LIES with TRUTH…
It’s just a BLOB of tissue, some cells.
Abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. (Direct quote by Planned Parenthood pamphlet in August 1963)
Choice is in a woman’s best interest.
Abortion carries a lifetime of consequences that affect women emotionally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. (Planned Parenthood vs. Casey in a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Planned Parenthood states that if a woman is not told about the facts of the fetus there will be serious psychological affects)
If you’re not pro-choice you’re not pro-woman.
The word by its very definition offers MANY different options, why then has it become ONLY about abortion for Planned Parenthood? Why has Pro-Choice become ONLY about Pro- Abortion?
Abortion is a right-wing conservative “JESUS” issue.
Abortion is NOT a conservative agenda according to the Gays against Abortion (now known as PLAGAL, or the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians) formed in 1991, a very liberal organization. They issued this statement: “We acknowledge that, from conception, the fetus is a human being entitled to basic rights, including the right to life. We hold that abortion denies that right and destroys that human being…”
It’s time to talk about the FACTS!
- FACT: Abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. (Direct quote by Planned Parenthood pamphlet in August 1963)
- FACT: Abortion carries a lifetime of consequences that affect women emotionally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. (Planned Parenthood vs. Casey in a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Planned Parenthood states that if a woman is not told about the facts of the fetus there will be serious psychological affects)
- FACT: Abortion hurts both women and men; it takes two to make a baby. (Many men feel guilt and shame for pressuring the woman and for those who did want to be fathers, their rights are criminally taken away)
- FACT: Abortion is NOT a conservative agenda according to the Gays against Abortion (now known as PLAGAL, or the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians) formed in 1991, a very liberal organization. They issued this statement: “We acknowledge that, from conception, the fetus is a human being entitled to basic rights, including the right to life. We hold that abortion denies that right and destroys that human being…”
- FACT: Planned Parenthood NEVER gave us any information regarding the consequences of our choice. Nor did we ever talk to any doctor. In all other medical procedures or surgeries – women are given all the information and have a consultation with doctors. Is it because it’s financially impossible, since they only allow 3-5 minutes for the procedure? And they have thirty other women waiting for their number to be called?
- FACT: Abortion is a medical procedure that has many health risks. Here is a list:
- Incomplete Procedure
- Blood Clots in the Uterus
- Infection of the Uterus
- Hemorrhaging
- Injury to the cervix
- Allergic reaction
- DEATH (Yes, women have died since 1973 in Abortion Clinics across this Nation)
If Planned Parenthood knows these truths, then why do they fight endless hours and spend 127 million dollars fighting against giving this information to women? Why is a 24 hour waiting period so bad? We are given 72 hours to change our minds on a car or house purchase because these are life altering decisions, then why not abortion, it’s not like the woman can come back two days later and say oh, by the way I have changed my mind. Can I undo the abortion?
The truth is that in this nation we are given more information about a tooth extraction than we are about this “simple procedure” of abortion. At one point the Allen Guttmacher Institute – Planned Parenthood’s research arm – states that “43% of women in America will have at least one abortion by age 45.” This is a staggering number since, for some of these women, it becomes a final decision, as some women are never able to conceive again.
Pro-Abortion organizations acknowledge that up to 10% of women who have had abortions may have serious psychiatric aftermath (Planned Parenthood vs. Casey) If the abortion toll in our country is more than forty million, the number of women just within that 10% range is frightening; that more than 4 million in our country may have “serious psychiatric aftermath,” is mind-boggling. Vicki Thorn, a specialist on the aftermath of abortion, states, “By way of comparison, 2 million women are now living with diagnosed breast cancer and 929,985 Americans are currently diagnosed with AIDS. Countless research is being done in these areas. Abortion is one of the most frequently performed elective surgeries”.
Why is there no public outcry and research on the aftermath of abortion? It’s hard to understand why something this big doesn’t get any of the 127 million dollars that Planned Parenthood uses for women’s rights. Women who are suffering are being swept under the rug. Planned Parenthood knows that if the information is withheld it is not about choice – it is about abortion. With the very detailed footage of the multiple videos that have flooded the market on the practices of Planned Parenthood, we are horrified by their callous responses to the selling of baby limbs.
We ask this very important question. Can a blob of issue have limbs? Enough. POWER has had it with the LIES of the abortion billion-dollar industry! They have been able to get away with this behavior because they have NEVER had any accountability for their actions. Well after 99 years of services by Planned Parenthood, we have more unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted deceases and abortion than ever in the History of our Nation. So we ask this very important question. Are they preventing or aiding the problem? After 99 years we don’t want any more excuses, we want answers.